Monday, June 19, 2006

Eviction #6

This Is Big Blogger.

Once again, it is eviction time. As you all know, all Cyberhousemates were nominated this week, but there can only be one loser.
It is time for Bulky to get a bit sulky, and make his way out of the Cyberhouse.
Yes, that is right, it is time to go

Crash Of Rhinos

Just watch yourself on the specially designed gloss polished, broken glass floating ramp.

This Has Been Big Blogger

Welcome Chair Rhino, you're in good company!

Welllllll company at least...
Farewell, fair Rhino. We hardly knew you.
Is it just me, or does it seem like Big Blogger's heart is two sizes too small? Not for evicting...but for evicting with intent to do bodily harm.

I'd better watch what I say. I don't want to pick up an exploding Sonic Cherry Diet Coke.
I am gunna miss ya Crash of Rhinos..truly!!
But I planned on getting you a lifting machine form work Dr Evil...:)
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