Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Mid Week Mini Meme #2

This Is Big Blogger.

Big Blogger is being generous again. I will give each of you $1 to spend down at the Milk Bar/Shop/Corner Store/General Store/Dairy, to get some mixed lollies/candy/sweets. Dang this international language barrier makes things hard sometimes.
Anyway, if you were to get some mixed lollies, what would you get? The dollar you have to spend is either at your childhood prices, or today's prices, your call. Personally I would go with the childhood prices.

This meme is open to Cyberhousemates, and readers alike. Leave your bag of goodies in the comments section.

This Has Been Big Blogger

WOW!!! A whole dollar!!! I am going by my childhood prices and boy.....1 dollar is dad's whole wage for a day back then. I would buy me an Eskimo Pie Ice Cream and spend the rest all but 25cents of the change from that on strips of RED LICORICE that is coated in icing sugar..YUMM. The 25cents I would put aside for the next day and spend the night thinking of what I may purchase...perhaps a packet of HUBBA BUBBA CHEWING GUM...cola flavour of course. :) Thanks Big Blogger..and I have used my manners :-)
I don't know if EZ Mart economics have made it over to the land of Oz, so I'll import them. I'll sidle up to the counter with a Dr. Pepper and a Twix... one time it cost me $1 even, so I should have enough.
If not, I'll run like hell and blame it on Fitty.
Well mixed lollies obviously :-)

From memory, for a huge bag which would cover my whole palm, you'd get:
* chocolate bullets
* milk bottles
* "freckles"
* raspberries
* chocolate buds
* chicos
I would spend my whole entire dollar on Super Bubble bubble gum - mostly regular flavor, but maybe a few pieces of green apple just for kicks. At .03 a piece I could rot all of my teeth out with that one dollar and probably all in one day! I love bubble gum. Still. Any time I stop in a convenience store I can't leave without a piece or two of Super Bubble.
Yumm Lantern..chicos are awesome too, Yeah!!! you save you bubble gum on your bedpost overnight?? :)
That was a month's allowance for me. I used to get $.50 every two weeks, because that's how my dad got paid. I'd clutch those two quarters in my sweaty palm and take off walking barefoot one street over and two blocks down to Lupkey's Grocery. It was actually just a house converted into a little store. They had a wide selection of candy in a glass case, and you had to point and tell them what you wanted.

I would have them fill a little brown paper sack with red licorice whips, Nik L Nip wax candy soda bottles, atomic fireballs, Boston baked beans, jawbreakers, Chiclets gum, candy buttons on a long receipt-looking piece of paper, Chick-O-Sticks, Bit-O-Honey, Charms suckers, Pixie Straws, Sixlets, Jolly Ranchers, Green Apple Gum, Sugar Daddys, Chuckles, Lemonheads, candy necklaces, and red wax lips or black wax mustaches. Not all at once, mind you. But I did seem to get a lot for my $.50. It would last about a week, then I'd have to go a candyless week until the next allowance day.

Diva, woman does not live by gum alone.
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