Thursday, June 08, 2006

Nominations #5

This Is Big Blogger.

Yes I know the nominations are a day early this week. But I am busy packing things up for the next task. So to make sure I don't forget the nominations, here are the three for this week.

Hillbilly Mansion
Legless In Perpetuum
Lantern Of Light

As you can all see, now that Rachy is back on the internet, she is in the Big Blogger house, just like the rest. But how long will she last?

This Has Been Big Blogger

Wooo HOOO, I made it past a nomination, how ace is that!! Why thankyou big Blogger, Welcome The Rachy!!!
Hey my sign in is ufkebr....whats the meaning of that U FUKER BuRger or something wassup with that, LOL
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not my Hillbilly Mom!! I haven't wrenched Carlos from her sinewy fingers yet! If she leaves before I get him back then I'll be forced to watch The Outdoor Channel or something.
WHAT! A nomination without Cazzie? That's like Hillbilly Mom without a Sonic Cherry Diet Coke! Like Diva without Free Cheese! Like Lantern without his Light! Like Stew without his Hamm! Like Rachy without An Opinion! Like Rebecca without a Broken Nose! Like Bulky without Dr. Evil!

If my number is up, I will slink away to whine another day. And I will tighten my grip on Carlos.
Dr. Evil,
Yes, one and the same. You've cracked my cryptic code.
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